I just thought I would post a few links to people whom I think are particularly apt at explaining the moral and philosophical justifications of Anarchism. I encourage you to watch the material I link to particularly if you are a Ron Paul enthusiast, as I was. These videos might help you to make the moral jump from the vague statism of Ron Paul (I don't mean that as an insult. He is a politician, after all.) to Anarchism:
Stefan Molyneux: Probably the most eloquent defender of Anarchism that I've come across. If you are a Ron Paul supporter, I particularly suggest his "Ron Paul and Personal Liberty" video series.
LibertyIsNotGiven: This guy first introduced me to some good arguments in defense of Anarchism, even when I was still pretty enthusiastic about Ron Paul, which, at the time, I did not fully accept, but which I found to be pretty lucid and rational. He also has many links to other places where you can get more info to the left.
"The Anarchist Theory FAQ" by Bryan Caplan: Very good textual description of Anarchism.
Good day.
good job dude